Making Life Simpler with Simple Machines: 2010
This grant gives 6th graders a program that provides real life experiences to see and interact with real life simple machines. They will have an opportunity to manipulate simple machines and learn from hands on discovery how machines such as pulleys and levers make work easier. Mathematical calculations are also introduced into the program so students can collect and analyze […]
SMART Board Math Tools
All of the classrooms in the Mathematics Department of the New Providence School District (grades 5-12) are currently fitted with SMART Boards and an attached computer. As an additional tool, ten CD-ROMs that contain SMART Notebook Math Tools can combine all the tools that teachers need to switch between multiple software applications seamlessly so that math becomes more engaging and understandable. The […]
Easy Grow 8×8 Greenhouse
The greenhouse provides the entire student body at Allen W. Roberts with the opportunity to grow plant life and to experiment during all 10 months of the school year, regardless of weather. Students are able to learn and understand the relationships between plant growth and sunlight, water, and nutrients. Educating students about solar energy, plant growth and recycling empowers them to learn […]
Trinocular Microscopes to Enhance 5th and 6th Grade Science
With this grant, the fifth and sixth grade science classes will each have two trinocular microscopes. This microscope allows the teacher to assist students in their observations of microscope samples. Students look through a binocular (double) eyepiece while the teacher can use a monocular eyepiece at the same time. These microscopes bring state of the […]
Making Life Simpler with Simple Machines: 2009
The goal of this grant is to provide students with opportunities for hands-on discovery in the field of science. An educator from the Morristown Museum will explore with the sixth grade science class different types of simple machines that we have in our everyday lives and the mathematical calculations to determine how much work the […]