
Each year two students are chosen from the New Providence High School graduating class and are awarded an NPEF college scholarship of $1,000 each.

NPEF Scholarships Awarded

2022  $2,000       scholarship awarded to Megan Barlow & Eleni Portouridis

2021.  $2,000      scholarships awarded to Marissa Orally and Peter Grant

2020   $2,000      scholarships awarded to Paige Spoerl & K.C.Boyle

2019    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Andres Montero and Alyssa Nook

2017    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Olivia Cherry and Andrew Peritore

2016    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Jordan Langs and Jake Vignali

2016    $1,000     Christine Romeo Memorial Scholarship awarded to Colin Forbes

2015    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Conor Culleton and Nancy Sienkiewicz

2014    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Brianna Davin and Sean Judge

2013    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Aditi Padmanabhan and William Gilroy

2012    $2,000     scholarships awarded to Victoria Crisafi & Daniel Sullivan

2011     $2,000     scholarships awarded to Alexa Morang & Jeffrey San Fillipo

Scholarship recipients are chosen by the NPHS guidance department in an effort to make certain that college scholarships awarded are spread across deserving students rather than having a small number of students receive multiple awards.  The NPEF Scholarships focus on the “unsung heroes” of the senior class who have a GPA of 2.5 or higher.