Upgrade of Auditorium Lighting Console
Replace the current lighting console with a more fully-functional digital lighting console, providing students, faculty and the community with a more versatile performance space. The new console will save time and money by making more efficient use of our current lighting inventory and can be programmed using our new iPad technology.
SMART Board for Performing Arts
A primary goal of this grant was to provide a current educational technology tool to increase student engagement in the study of the performing arts. SmartBoards were installed for permanent use in the three music classrooms so that use of Sibelius notational software as well as numerous music applications now available via the web, can […]
Music – Support for children with Autism
This grant allows teachers to update their music technology for the full day preschool program. The request includes iPod shuffles, kids’ earphones, armbands, an iHome station & iTunes for the Pre-K program, all to be used as therapeutic and behavioral support. Integrating music into the student’s academic day will be individualized to their sensory and […]
Violin/Viola Doubling Project
The purpose of this grant is to improve the overall quality of the Middle School Orchestra by balancing out instrumentation. The goal is to recruit students willing to double on viola and violin and provide instruments and additional lesson times if needed. This will serve to improve the overall balance of the orchestra and foster […]
The World’s A Stage
Three times a year, New Providence thespians provide a microcosm of the world’s beauty and tragedy on the high school stage in productions that range from standard drama and musical theater to experimental theater and coffee house improvisation. What these events have in common are student/staff dedication and the need for equipment to enhance the theatrical aspect of these productions. This grant […]