Financial Literacy
The NPEF has introduced a reoccurring grant to support Financial Literacy in honor of former Board Member, Denis Naughter. This was an area of study that Denis was truly passionate about, and we feel this is a meaningful way to contribute to the success of this program at NPHS and to remember our dear friend.
Learning through Play
The full-day kindergarteners will spend their school days in updated learning centers that provide for increased social-emotional learning and developmentally appropriate play opportunities. The “play zones” allow for movement, exploration and collaborative learning.
Continuing to MERGE Instruction with Augmented Reality
Merge AR software uses ‘cubes’ as digital augmented reality teaching aides. The content in the software includes resources for numerous core subject areas such as real time data from NASA on weather, anatomy, cells, energy sources, dinosaurs, geology and simple machines.
Financial Literacy
The NPEF has introduced a reoccurring grant to support Financial Literacy in honor of former Board Member, Denis Naughter. This was an area of study that Denis was truly passionate about, and we feel this is a meaningful way to contribute to the success of this program at NPHS and to remember our dear friend.
Merlyn Mind: Digital Assistant for Teachers
Merlyn Mind is the first digital assistant built specifically for education that gives teachers more command of their devices in the classroom. It integrates with apps and devices teachers already use including Google Drive, Google Slides Classcraft and more all to help them navigate all of their technology to run a more efficient classroom.