Grants in Action

Therapeutic Listening Program

Amount: $1,184 | Year: 2012 | School: ,

Therapeutic Listening program is a sensory integration treatment technique that utilizes electronically altered music to stimulate the muscles and receptors of the inner ear to open up neurological pathways. Headphones and related library supplies will be located at both elementary schools to  be utilized by LLLD & preschool classes as well as students  receiving OT […]

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Library E-Reader/E-book project

Amount: $735 | Year: 2012 | School:

Six Nooks, cases and 10 e-books. Pilot e-reader project to evaluate the viability of e-readers and e-books in the school libary setting and the feasibility of augmenting the e-reader project to all library users in the future. The 5th grade LLD class was selected as a pilot because it is a small group of students […]

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Courtyard Greenhouse

Amount: $8,249 | Year: 2011 | School: ,

The installation of a 10’ by 16’ greenhouse, in the flagstone section of the Middle School courtyard will provide a variety of authentic, real life educational experiences and learning possibilities for several courses and clubs. Some uses include: Middle school science students will conduct a variety of hands-on student centered investigations based on scientific inquiry.  […]

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Classroom Audible Book Project

Amount: $1,000 | Year: 2011 | School:

The purpose of this grant is to establish audible books in each Special Education resource room.  Books that students can “listen to” will allow us to expose our students to a variety of literary genres. Furthermore, audible books will help to improve reading fluency as well as increase comprehension skills.  These skills are the building […]

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Popular Grant Tags

Allen W. Roberts Apple Athletics / Physical Education at risk Bard Biology Books camera computers Cross Subject design differentiated instruction Equipment extra-curricular guidance High School Instruction iPad Language Arts LEGO library Materials Math microscopes Middle School Misc Music Other Performing Arts Physics probes projector Reading Salt Brook Science SMART Social Studies Social Studies special education Standardized tests STEM STEM Technology Visual Arts World Languages