Financial Literacy
The NPEF introduced a recurring grant to support Financial Literacy in honor of former Board Member, Denis Naughter. This was an area of study that Denis was truly passionate about, and we feel this is a meaningful way to contribute to the success of this program at NPHS and to remember our dear friend.
Financial Literacy
The NPEF has introduced a reoccurring grant to support Financial Literacy in honor of former Board Member, Denis Naughter. This was an area of study that Denis was truly passionate about, and we feel this is a meaningful way to contribute to the success of this program at NPHS and to remember our dear friend.
“Next Generation” Learning Spaces
Rethinking classroom designs and configurations that will help to motivate and educate Generation Z and 21st Century learners. Focus will be on ways to modernize the classrooms at all four of our schools that will provide comfortable areas and options for standing or sitting. This will allow for more collaboration, inspiration and enhance learning at […]
School-wide Gratitude Initiative
As part of the District-wide Social Emotional Learning Initiative, the goal is to promote prosocial behaviors such as gratitude, self-regulation and emotional well-being in our students. This project will provide our teachers with the strategies to help create a positive classroom environment.
Engaging Students with Aeroponic Technology
Enhancements to the Tower Garden program for continued utilization of this food production tool. This helps expose students to new & innovative technology that can address global issues.