Library E-Reader/E-book project
Six Nooks, cases and 10 e-books. Pilot e-reader project to evaluate the viability of e-readers and e-books in the school libary setting and the feasibility of augmenting the e-reader project to all library users in the future. The 5th grade LLD class was selected as a pilot because it is a small group of students […]
Projector for Humanities Classrooms
Replace the projector for humanities classes in room 409.
Shakespeare LIVE! Performance & Workshop
Every year it becomes more challenging to convince the 21st century teenager that this playwright of the 16th century, Shakespeare, had something worthwhile and exciting to say, and a fabulous and engaging way in which to say it. The New Jersey Shakespeare Theatre’s 60-90 minute “Speak the Speech” workshops will allow 30 students at a […]
BrainPOP created animated, curriculum-based content that supports educators and engages students. Ideal for both group and one-on-one settings, it was used to introduce a new lesson or topic, illustrate complex subject matters, or help review before a test. Students viewed animated movies about different topics in all content areas, took online quizzes, viewed historical timelines, […]
Book Club Books
Reader’s Workshop is a fundamental element of Language Arts in the third grade. To best meet the needs of all learners, adequate books are essential to all classrooms. The goal is to provide students the opportunity to read complex, high-interest text with deep comprehension. The units of study for third grade require readers to work […]