Balancing Our Bookshelves and Supporting Readers, Grade 2
In an effort to meet the needs of all diverse learners, an abundance of books in a classroom library is essential. By providing books, student reading levels are supported by matched to ‘just-right books’. Phonemic awareness manipulatives, letter boards, dry erase tablets and gel board/ pens are also incorporated to develop sound-symbol correspondence.
Shared Reading with Big Books
The goal of this project is to guide students to become fluent and expressive readers. A collection of Big Books texts and a document camera will allow students to see text clearly, learn critical concepts, build frequency, decode words and develop vocabulary.
Deepening Comprehension with Developing Readers
To help support reading comprehension, special education teachers, were awarded this grant which purchased books written at lower readability levels, with topics to meet students interest and develop comprehension. It allows teachers to continue to incorporate guided reading and book clubs in their classrooms while engaging the students in leveled reading books with age-appropriate content.
Supporting Instruction with Digital Devices
This grant allows trained Reading Specialist the opportunity to utilize the technological benefits of the iPads with students in small group and duing in-class support times. Teachers will be able to use existing programs to target student specific areas of need.
Multi-Sensory Word Study
The grant awarded 3 iPads for preschool classroom at Roberts to help facilitate the learning of age appropriate skills during individual and small group instruction. In addition, the iPads will work as learning tools to carry over skills that the occupational and speech therapists are focusing on with classified students in order to help meet […]