Phase III Smartboard Integration: Social Studies
Smartboard technology enhanced the Social Studies instruction through the use of interactive projection technology, provided a means to deliver specialized academic support, and allowed students to present research and historical analysis through programs such as PowerPoint, ABC-Clio, and Safari Montage.
Micro Dome – A View Port to the Universe
For the last three years the students at NP Middle and High Schools have been able to view the power of the Hayden Planetarium by having Aram Freidman, the former engineering director of the Hayden Planetarium, produce the three dimensional universe in the classroom. The program helps students understand the 3D relationship of the Earth […]
Investigating the Biological Sciences using ProScopes
The NPEF has awarded several grants over the last four years for the purchase of ProScopes (digital microscopes) and Vernier Probes that help increase the technological skills of the students, bring a more modern and realistic setting to the classroom laboratory, increase the students’ observational, analytical, and drawing skills, and raise the students’ critical thinking […]
Science Days ’08
The grant was used to develop and present seven Science Days, one for each grade level from K through 6, at Allen W. Roberts School. Students rotated in small groups from station to station in order to study and experience exciting scientific experiments and hands-on activities that support and enhance the science curriculum.
Reading Comprehension – The Super QAR
The Question Answer Relationship (QAR) is a research-based method for getting students to think about what they read. The Super QAR, a program published by the Wright Group, aims to provide a shared language to make the largely abstract process underlying how we make sense of text concrete for students. Through this program, students are […]