Step up to the Plate
Each year, the students at Salt Brook School learn and practice lessons in social decision-making and conflict resolution as part of their Character Education program. This year the Character Education Committee has developed a program called “Step up to the Plate”. The theme, having the strength and courage to do what is right even when […]
Stepping into a Digital Classroom
Four digital cameras are requested. Integrating digital cameras will allow for more productive, creative, and enhanced lessons and presentations. Resources are consistently being provided for classroom teachers to increase their technology education and incorporate the latest technology within their classrooms. Smart Boards, laptop computers, and multimedia carts are becoming an active part of our classrooms […]
Science Day ’07
Funds will be used to develop and present seven Science Days, one for each grade level from K through 6, at Roberts School. Students will rotate in small groups from station to station in order to study and experience exciting scientific experiments and hands-on activities supporting and enhancing the science curriculum.
Micro Dome—A View Port to the Universe
Imagine having all the power of the Hayden Planetarium within the friendly confines of a New Providence classroom. For the last two years the students have seen that this is possible. Aram Friedman, of Ansible Technologies LTD., was the former engineering director to the Hayden Planetarium. He has invented a way to bring the $6 […]
After School Remedial Program – Language Arts Literacy and Math
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the Middle School would like to organize and facilitate a supplemental after school remedial program that assists the current seventh graders in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Although Special Education and Basic Skills services are being delivered […]