Online Literacy Program
This project would involve acquiring access to online reading resources. The on-line reading program will enhance the already highly utilized leveled library in the media center. For an annual fee Reading A-Z offers thousands of printable teacher materials to teach guided reading, phonemic awareness, reading comprehension, reading fluency, alphabet, and vocabulary. The second resource is […]
Pixels to PowerPoint
“Pixels to PowerPoint” will enable the students and teachers to develop, create, customize and develop presentations through the use of technology while employing a wide range of strategies to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes. Students within the gifted and talented program work primarily on projects which include creative and critical thinking […]
After-School Remedial Program
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the elementary schools are organizing and facilitating a supplemental after school remedial program that assists students in third through fifth grades in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Teachers will develop a program of study consisting of 10 […]
Family Math
Family Math is an after school family involvement program that provides elementary school children and their parents with opportunities to develop problem solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts in an enjoyable, non-threatening atmosphere. Children and adults come together to do mathematics and then practice at home ideas they learn in class. This grant is […]
The Super QAR
The Question Answer Relationship is a research-based method for getting students to think about what they read. The Super QAR, a program published by the Wright Group, aims to provide a shared language to make the largely abstract process underlying how we make sense of text concrete for students. Through this program students are taught […]