Computer Tool for Transforming Design
The purpose of this grant is to help combine computer technology with modern manufacturing techniques to bring students’ original designs on computer to a finished professional product. Purchasing a CNC Router machine and the companion software will allow students to use the CNC tool to read their computer designs and produce the actual or model […]
Sound System Upgrade – Performing Arts
The auditorium is used by the entire district for awards presentations, dance recitals, orchestra and choral concerts, musical productions, assemblies, and guest lecturers. As part of the recent bond issue, the auditorium received a new sound system, control board, wireless microphones, loudspeakers, and several other new components. Although this has made a tremendous improvement over […]
Technology Tools in the Science Classroom
The Middle School Science Department was looking to upgrade the data acquisition technology currently in use in the 7th and 8th grade classrooms. This grant funded the purchase of Vernier Labquest handhelds, allowing students to quickly collect important data, save/catalogue data, and convert it into charts and graphs. This means that students will be spending […]
Robotics Module – Phase II: NXT Robotics
In 2004, utilizing a NPEF grant, the NP Middle School introduced a Robotics module “RoboChallenge: Race Against Time”, a challenging, hands-on, minds-on, standards based science unit designed to instill teamwork and problem-solving skills. The module builds on the experiences of the 4th grade ‘robotics’ and 6th grade ‘models and designs’ curriculum units and helps nurture […]
Phase III Smartboard Integration: Social Studies
Smartboard technology enhanced the Social Studies instruction through the use of interactive projection technology, provided a means to deliver specialized academic support, and allowed students to present research and historical analysis through programs such as PowerPoint, ABC-Clio, and Safari Montage.