Mathematical Patterns as they Relate to the Real World Through the Use of Technology
Patterns are one of the most important ideas studied in all disciplines. We are now recognizing the connection between biology and mathematics and how patterns discovered in math, for example, are directly related to the way viruses regenerate themselves. With the addition of new, advanced technology and Internet access, students from ninth grade through twelfth […]
Optimization of Science Probes using a Smart Board
Over the past few years, the science department through a variety of NPEF grants has successfully incorporated the use of a variety of probes, CBL’s (computer based labs), ProScopes, multimedia projectors and video capture into the course curriculum. This grant provides for two SMART Boards to improve the conceptual understanding of the student and increase […]
Multimedia Presentations Carts
A grant will be provided to each elementary school to add a second multi-media presentation cart. Last year the NPEF provided one multimedia cart to each school as well. The new cart will help reduce waiting lists and allow teachers and students to further access internet resources, present student work, reinforce lessons, and design class […]
Expansion of the TI-Navigator
Funds are being provided to expand a grant from the NPEF last year and will be used to add a laptop and presentation cart with an interactive SMART Board to the TI Navigator system. The additional equipment will allow the system to be moved efficiently from classroom to classroom throughout the Middle School and High […]