Courtyard Greenhouse
The installation of a 10’ by 16’ greenhouse, in the flagstone section of the Middle School courtyard will provide a variety of authentic, real life educational experiences and learning possibilities for several courses and clubs. Some uses include: Middle school science students will conduct a variety of hands-on student centered investigations based on scientific inquiry. […]
Giggly Wiggly Worms: Vermi-composting with 1st and 2nd Graders
First and second grade students will become very familiar with the process of composting and recycling their food scraps through the installation of compost collection containers, a compost tumbler and four worm bins. The experience of composting will show our young students that nature is a cycle: things grow, die, decay and return to the […]
Investigating Environmental Science and Field Biology
Environmental Science is an elective for juniors and seniors and has been modifying its approach to teaching science. The result has been a class that is more inquiry based and field oriented. Materials needed are soil, water and forest testing equipment. The goals are to increase the technological skills of the students and bring a […]
Environmental Science Course
The district has been rewriting curricula to meet the requirements of the Understanding by Design format. Environmental Science, an elective for juniors and seniors, is in the process of modifying its approach to teaching science, resulting in a class that is even more inquiry-based and field oriented. It is designed to incorporate important scientific skills […]
Sustainable Earth Program
The funds for this grant will be used for an interactive Social Studies simulation conducted with the freshman class. During the program, the students will explore the causes and effects of the environmental challenges facing the world today. The activities are coordinated by members of Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC), a New Jersey public […]