Decodable Readers
Kindergarten students use decodable readers to practice learned phonics and spelling patterns. The decodable readers complement the current multi-sensory phonic program used in graders K-3, and help prepare kindergarteners for future grades.
Calm Down Corner
A calm down corner is a space in LLD classes where elementary school students can self regulate and learn how to independently calm their actions and mind. The calm corner will promote self regulation in a controlled environment in the classroom rather than missing instructional time by having to leave the classroom.
World Language Mobile Learning Cart
The ‘World Language Mobile Learning Cart’ brings language education to all classrooms and grade levels. Students learn language in a variety of resources including up-to-date game-based learning platforms and traditional paper-based activities.
Leveled Library Book Sets
The Rigby Guided Reading Leveled Set of Books is used by Reading Specialists and Special Education teachers to provide extra practice of appropriate leveled material for elementary students and is specialized for the Generation Z learner. The materials give students opportunities to practice their reading skills, structural grammar and leveled decoding while engaging them in […]
Use Virtual Reality to Travel through Space and Time
Students use the VR devices to experience expeditions to times and places such as the Amazon Rainforest, Ancient Egypt and the Roman Ruins, and also study topics such as biomes, clouds and natural disasters. This grant is used to continue to improve the quality of the VR devices and software used so the students can […]