Beyond Robotics, Micro-Computers in STEM
This continuation of a hands-on activity supports Computer Science and Engineering curriculum The Micro:bits are small computers to which students can add sensors to input information and output devices such as lights, buzzers, etc. This allows the students to create these computer systems and them write programs to operate them.
Lights, Camera, Action!
In conjunction with the newly painted green-screen wall, this new Padcaster equipment (including LED lights, Teleprompter, Tripod and Case) will help enhance the students’ experience when producing video school announcements and projects as well as help to simplify the way the space is currently used.
“Next Generation” Learning Spaces
Rethinking classroom designs and configurations that will help to motivate and educate Generation Z and 21st Century learners. Focus will be on ways to modernize the classrooms at all four of our schools that will provide comfortable areas and options for standing or sitting. This will allow for more collaboration, inspiration and enhance learning at […]
Leveled Library Book Sets
To support the curriculum, the Rigby Reading Levels sets were provided to supplement their existing reading materials.
Digital Drawing & Writing with Logitech Crayons
This is the first year of the one-to-one iPad usage for 5th graders at SB. The Logitech tool will help ease frustration and enhance the student’s learning both in and away from school.