Classroom Audible Book Project
The purpose of this grant is to establish audible books in each Special Education resource room. Books that students can “listen to” will allow us to expose our students to a variety of literary genres. Furthermore, audible books will help to improve reading fluency as well as increase comprehension skills. These skills are the building […]
Giggly Wiggly Worms: Vermi-composting with 1st and 2nd Graders
First and second grade students will become very familiar with the process of composting and recycling their food scraps through the installation of compost collection containers, a compost tumbler and four worm bins. The experience of composting will show our young students that nature is a cycle: things grow, die, decay and return to the […]
A “Novel” Way for Integrating Science, Reading, and Character Education in the Science Classroom
It is important for students to understand that different content areas are related, not separate from one another, and scientists are required to read a large variety of materials as a part of their work. This project increases the types of reading materials that students are exposed to in the 6th grade science curriculum and […]
Screenflex Portable Partition
This grant provided a safe, flexible and effective means to divide space in the library for increasingly frequent professional development workshops, class presentations and guest lectures in the electronic classroom area. The portable partition will be used for Teen Arts, the International Festival, large group testing, and other needs for either segregated or flexible display […]
Violin/Viola Doubling Project
The purpose of this grant is to improve the overall quality of the Middle School Orchestra by balancing out instrumentation. The goal is to recruit students willing to double on viola and violin and provide instruments and additional lesson times if needed. This will serve to improve the overall balance of the orchestra and foster […]