Science Day ’06
Funds will be used to develop and present seven Science Days, one for each grade level from K through 6, at Roberts School. Students will rotate in small groups from station to station in order to study and experience exciting scientific experiments and hands-on activities supporting and enhancing the science curriculum.
Proscopes & Video Presentations
The Biology Department will expand on the success of probes that were purchased with NPEF grants over the past two years, this year adding digital microscopes, called ProScopes, that provide digital images that can be displayed on a computer monitor or projected onto a screen. These digital microscopes create immediate images that can be captured, […]
Micro Dome – A View Port to the Universe
The three dimensional universe will be simulated on site through this grant. Two separate visits will occur in order to accommodate all eighth grade science students. A presentation addressing specific curriculum content objectives will accompany each simulation. This project was also funded by the NPEF last year.
Learning Chemistry Concepts using a Multimedia Projector
The Chemistry department uses probes to gather real time data and information which helps them to understand and to make connections between abstract concepts. This year they will be receiving a multimedia projector, attached to a Chemistry room
Learning Physics Concepts using a Multimedia Projector
To continue the successful implementation of the inquiry based learning investigations and the “minds-on” experiences provided by the physics probes, the Science department is getting another permanently mounted digital projector in an additional physics lab. In addition, the equipment will provide students with an increased opportunity to produce relevant accurate and concise presentations based around […]