Disseminating Information
This grant will allow the Middle School to upgrade the technology by which information is disseminated to the student population through the installation of an LCD flat panel in the main Middle School hallway along with the Safari Montage kiosk technology. Currently, important dates, reminders, and information are announced through the school’s intercom system and […]
Technology in Journalism
This grant is designed to enhance the experience of student journalists inside and outside the classroom of the NP High School. The Providential is the student run and produced newspaper and currently, student editors are working with software originally dating back to the 1980’s. An upgrade of the software with the purchase of a new […]
Welcome to the Digital Age
This grant will allow the guidance department to upgrade the technology by which information is disseminated to the high school student population. Currently, important dates, reminders, and information flash across an information board located in the High School cafeteria – a very outdated technology. In an attempt to keep all students abreast of pivotal guidance […]
Family Math (Part II)
Family Math is an after school family involvement program that provided elementary school children and their parents with opportunities to develop problem solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts in an enjoyable, non-threatening atmosphere. Children and adults came together to do mathematics and then practice at home the ideas they learned in class. The NPEF […]
After-School Remedial Program
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the elementary schools are organizing and facilitating a supplemental after school remedial program that assists students in third through fifth grades in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Teachers will develop a program of study consisting of 10 […]