Grants for Performing Arts

Auditorium Sound System Upgrade

Amount: $8,284 | Year: 2015 | School: ,

Due to the multi-use nature of the auditorium and its impact on nearly every program and department within the school, upgrading the sound system provides immediate and long-lasting benefits for our students, faculty, parents, and community. By addressing the loudspeaker system, the audio upgrade will improve audio coverage, quality, and versatility to the sound system.

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Band Room Sound System

Amount: $537.79 | Year: 2013 | School: ,

With an average of 150 students utilizing the band room everyday, this grant helps to insure that each student has a positive and gratifying musical experience with a good and reliable sound system which includes an Onkyo receiver and Bose speakers.

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Shakespeare LIVE! Performance & Workshop

Amount: $2,750 | Year: 2012 | School:

Every year it becomes more challenging to convince the 21st century teenager that this playwright of the 16th century, Shakespeare, had something worthwhile and exciting to say, and a fabulous and engaging way in which to say it.  The New Jersey Shakespeare Theatre’s 60-90 minute “Speak the Speech” workshops will allow 30 students at a […]

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SMART Board for Performing Arts

Amount: $4,599 | Year: 2011 | School: ,

A primary goal of this grant was to provide a current educational technology tool to increase student engagement in the study of the performing arts. SmartBoards were installed for permanent use in the three music classrooms so that use of Sibelius notational software as well as numerous music applications now available via the web, can […]

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Allen W. Roberts Apple Athletics / Physical Education at risk Bard Biology Books camera computers Cross Subject design differentiated instruction Equipment extra-curricular guidance High School Instruction iPad Language Arts library Materials Math microscopes Middle School Misc Music Other Performing Arts Physics probes projector Reading Salt Brook Science SMART Social Studies Social Studies special education Standardized tests STEM STEM Technology Visual Arts World Languages writing