Living History
Project connected tenth grade students with Senior Citizens.
Science Day ’05
Funds will be used to develop and present seven Science Days, one for each grade from K through 6, for students to rotate in small groups from station to station in order to study and experience exciting scientific experiments and hands-on activities supporting and enhancing the science curriculum.
Micro Dome – A View Port to the Universe
The three dimensional universe will be simulated on site through this grant. In two separate visits in order to accommodate all eighth-grade science students. A presentation addressing specific curriculum content objectives will accompany each simulation.
Interviewing for Life
Three evening interviewing skills training sessions covering college and job interviewing will be offered to seniors and juniors. The program will also include and in-school breakfast with invited members of the community who will “interview” the students and conduct small group discussions in their career fields of interest.
SAT De-Stress
These evenings sessions will be offered to students shortly before taking their SAT exam to help them “de-stress” by understanding test-taking strategies such as timing, pacing, types of questions, and standard instructions.