Stop and Think: Social Skills Programs for Schools
Teach interpersonal problem solving and conflict resolution skills utilizing over 20 important behavioral skills. This nationally recognized, evidence based social skills program that has been implemented in over 1,500 schools nationwide and meets new NJ state counseling program requirements.
Contemporary Social Skills
The social skills program is one that helps students learn skills necessary for making and keeping friends, managing feelings, and social problem solving. This grant will add a Wii, an interactive gaming system, to the program. The growth and learning part is that when playing with other people we are forced to use appropriate language, […]
Out on the Town
This community based learning project will provide the LLD students with improved self-esteem and self-confidence. The students will have mini-lessons throughout the unit pertaining to the experience scheduled for the month. The Lessons will be based on money, time management, communication, social, problem solving, and analytical skills that are used daily in a fourth through […]
Cooperative Learning Activities through Adventure-Based Education
This grant provides Project Adventure equipment for the middle-school physical education program to add activities and games for building team-work and trust. The program is designed to teach students how to appropriately interact with others using conflict resolution and good decision-making skills.