Stop and Think: Social Skills Programs for Schools
Teach interpersonal problem solving and conflict resolution skills utilizing over 20 important behavioral skills. This nationally recognized, evidence based social skills program that has been implemented in over 1,500 schools nationwide and meets new NJ state counseling program requirements.
A “Novel” Way for Integrating Science, Reading, and Character Education in the Science Classroom
It is important for students to understand that different content areas are related, not separate from one another, and scientists are required to read a large variety of materials as a part of their work. This project increases the types of reading materials that students are exposed to in the 6th grade science curriculum and […]
Step up to the Plate
Each year, the students at Salt Brook School learn and practice lessons in social decision-making and conflict resolution as part of their Character Education program. This year the Character Education Committee has developed a program called “Step up to the Plate”. The theme, having the strength and courage to do what is right even when […]