NPEF Hosts ‘Be Our Guest’ Dinner
The New Providence Education Foundation hosted its annual ‘Be Our Guest’ dinner party for Robert and Linda Dinerman and six guests at their home on February 9th, 2013. The Dinerman’s had the winning bid at Casino Royale for this amazing dinner party. The NPEF Board of Trustees took care of all the work, including invitations, […]
The Alternative Press: NPEF Holds Annual Casino Royale Night
NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ – Only in a school district as great as New Providence would parents “gamble” on their children’s education. On Saturday, Jan.12, the New Providence Education Foundation continued to give back to the school system at its annual Casino Royale Night at the Senior Center.
New Providence Education Foundation announces launch of new website
by Independent Press The New Providence Education Foundation announces the launch of its new website, Hugo Barth, president of the foundation, sees the new website as a major step towards fulfilling the foundation’s longer-term vision of “…expanding on the breadth of what we do.” “The new website is exciting, easy to navigate and informative,” […]
ABC News segment features NPEF iPads
The iPads seen in the ABC News segment on NPHS were provided by an NPEF grant to the MS and HS Science department. Please pass on our thanks again to the NPEF for everything they do for the community of New Providence. Regards Jonathan Keaney Department Head of Science New Providence School District
BOE Celebrates New Allen W. Roberts Media Center
NEW PROVIDENCE, NJ – A vastly new and improved library/media center at Roberts Elementary was the centerpiece of last night’s Board of Education meeting.