Interactive Technology in the ESL/ELL Classroom
The broad spectrum of the ESL/ELL classroom is such that a teacher may have several different languages spoken in one classroom. Bringing each of these student to English proficiency becomes a true test of differentiation in the classroom. The ability to personalize the type and pace of instruction through the use of and iPad is […]
21st century Life and Careers: Global Awareness
During a designated week, the elementary schools will be decorated with international flags and photos. The ESL (English as a Second Language) and FLES (Foreign Language in Elementary Schools) will learn about our global society by watching and responding to films form the Families of the World series. The primary goal of celebrating diversity is […]
Discover STEM-E
The Discover STEM-E curriculum lab will provides modules for each STEM related area (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). It also provides exploratory projects for students in grades 4-6 enrolled in the Gifted and Talented program.
Achieving Excellence in Readers Workshop
To help accommodate the needs of all students, some classrooms incorporate a Regular Education Teacher and a Special Education Teacher in the same room at the same time. This grant augments the current classroom library by incorporating addition texts and book club novels to help differentiate instruction.
Cultivating Proficient Readers
By enhancing a classroom library, teachers can provide and abundant selection of text which will provide the ability to differentiate instruction based on student need and ability.