Electronic Bulletin Board for Athletic Department
The High School Athletic Department will utilize a wall mounted LCD flat panel monitor to display bulletin board type information including important dates, reminders, schedule changes, scores, articles, pictures etc.
Upgrade of Auditorium Lighting Console
Replace the current lighting console with a more fully-functional digital lighting console, providing students, faculty and the community with a more versatile performance space. The new console will save time and money by making more efficient use of our current lighting inventory and can be programmed using our new iPad technology.
Digital Photography
Two cameras, 4 create pen and touch tables, 4 sets of Adobe software and a PC will enable Photoshop and Photography classes at the Middle and High schools to better incorporate digital components.
Stop and Think: Social Skills Programs for Schools
Teach interpersonal problem solving and conflict resolution skills utilizing over 20 important behavioral skills. This nationally recognized, evidence based social skills program that has been implemented in over 1,500 schools nationwide and meets new NJ state counseling program requirements.
Grammar & Mechanics in the Digital Age
In addition to mentor texts and resource guides, this grant provides concrete visual representations of language (multi-colored word rods) that students can manipulate to build sentences and understand the fundamentals of grammar and how it works. The materials would be used by all students from Kindergarten through 6th grade.