Investigating the Sciences using Data Collection Probes
In conjunction with an iPad, the Science department will utilize LabQuest2 standalone Data Collection Devices to engage the students in ‘hands-on’ and ‘minds-on’ learning. The probes provide students with the opportunity to quickly acquire real-time data and facilitate real work inquiry-based learning in a STEM environment.
Cardiac Classroom
By attending the Live From Surgery program a the Liberty Science Center, student are able to experience an operating room, peer over the shoulders of the medical team, and talk to surgeons during surgery. LSC facilitators move among students in the theater during the 2.5 hour session, shaping the conversation and structuring developmentally appropriate questions. […]
Liberty Science Center Hands-On Technology
To promote critical thinking, collaboration, entrepreneurship, innovation and problem solving, the AP Physics students will attend the Extended Laboratory Workshop hosted by Liberty Science Center. Students will engage in the design and construction of a Trebuchet machine as well as program the micro-controller motor.
Document Cameras
Hovercam T3 document cameras, project text onto a Smartboard by hovering over it, allow projects to be seen by the whole class. These cameras project and enlarge items so that everyone in the class can view them at the same time. The camera will be used to view/analyze, mentor, share, examine and illustrate text. Four […]
iNeed iPads
With the purchase of 6 iPads and various accessories, including a volume purchasing card, students will continue to be more engaged as 21st Century Learners. The use of technology enables students to engage with technology, collaborate with others and apply knowledge they learn. By adding iPads to the library, many students and staff benefit.