Biomedical Engineering at the Liberty Science Center
From a theatre at LSC, students gaze through a video conference “window” into the operating room and converse with doctors from the first incision to the last suture. During this time, LSC facilitators move among students in the theatre-shaping conversation, structuring questions and passing around models of human organs under discussion.
Transporting Students via Green Screen Technology
This grant will provide an opportunity for students to use green screen technology to transport themselves to places that would not be otherwise possible. They will be able to superimpose themselves in a far away land, shrink themselves to explore the human body, or explore careers inside authentic locations.
Lego Education: WeDo
This grant will allow GT students to explore project oriented forensic science activities. Students will work collaboratively to examine and analyze evidence needed to solve a mystery.
Breathing into a Mindful Classroom
Incorporating meditation and breathing exercises, this program will teach students different breathing methods to target the overall well being of children. Each kit includes yoga mats, guided mediation and yoga pose cards.
STEM Storybooks
This grant will increase student interest and awareness of STEM topics through the use of storybooks and high interest nonfiction literature.