STEMming Up with Strawbees
Strawbees is used by the elementary school STEM teachers in both Computer Science and Engineering units. The kits are used to design structure and models, which teaches the students how to prototype engineering solutions.
Financial Literacy
The NPEF has introduced a reoccurring grant to support Financial Literacy in honor of former Board Member, Denis Naughter. This was an area of study that Denis was truly passionate about, and we feel this is a meaningful way to contribute to the success of this program at NPHS and to remember our dear friend.
No RedInk Premium
NoRedInk is an online interface that helps students improve their grammar and writing skills, and also customizes lessons that adapt to individual students’ needs. 6th graders from both elementary schools can practice parts of speech, rearrange sentences, edit and mark up text, organize ideas into outlines, and manipulate multi-paragraph passages.
Learning through Play
The full-day kindergarteners will spend their school days in updated learning centers that provide for increased social-emotional learning and developmentally appropriate play opportunities. The “play zones” allow for movement, exploration and collaborative learning.
Sensory Tool for the Classroom
These are tools for the younger elementary school students to help them learn how to adaptively cope with intense feelings. They provide a therapeutic environment to avoid maladaptive behavior and de-escalate emotionally charged situations.