Content Area Reading: Reading Across the Curriculum
Guided Reading is a research-based reading technique that allows teachers to differentiate their reading instruction to meet the individual reading needs of the students. Through grants over the past two years, the Guided Reading collections of both schools have become very diversified and reach reading levels up to through the end of the 2nd grade. […]
Guided Reading Leveled Library: Expansion and Home Connection
This grant will enhance the grant provided last year to create the Leveled Lending Library and allow for guided reading library materials to be purchased for the second grade, as well as add new titles to the kindergarten and first grade libraries. The library provides teachers with quality children’s literature and accompanying audio components for […]
CD Library
A literary CD collection will be added to the Salt Brook Media Center with this grant CDs will accompany copies of books and can be borrowed by students, teachers, and parents to further develop students reading and listening skills and enjoyment. The CDs will also provide extra reinforcement for struggling readers.
Leveled Lending Library, A.W. Roberts and Salt Brook Schools
This program will establish a book lending library at both Salt Brook and Allen W. Roberts Schools at the kindergarten and first-grade levels to promote literacy among students in the early elementary grades. Teachers would be able to access materials in the library to engage in graded reading with small groups of students to enhance […]