iPads for the 6th Grade Curriculum
Fourteen iPads, cases, applications and storage carts for 6th graders to be utilized in all curriculum areas.
iPads in the 5th & 6th Grade Science Classroom – Phase 3
Science students in 5th and 6th grade at Salt Brook received 12 iPads, cases and a storage cart.
iPads in the Middle School Science Classroom – Phase 3
Middle School Science classes will receive 12 iPads, cases and a storage cart to augment 2 previous iPad grants to the Science department. The iPad cart has been used in the classroom for a variety of activities including on-line assessments, student research and note-taking, recording laboratory investigations, student collaborations, accessing videos, creating movies, web quests […]
iPads in the Science Classroom – The Next Step?
The goal of this grant it to investigate how the use of iPads in science instruction can encourage student collaboration in the creation and sharing of content, increase student engagement and motivation and help in individualizing instruction. This grant is an extension of a grant from last year where students learned to use the iPads […]
American Revolution E-book
Ten iPads were purchased for the 7th grade Social Studies classes for a project combining Social Studies and Language Arts. Students are required to analyze and evaluate primary source documents and write ASK style reflective statements. Utilizing the Adobe InDesign application, students can directly interact with historical texts on the iPads while simultaneously creating maps […]