Mathematical Patterns as they Relate to the Real World Through the Use of Technology
Patterns are one of the most important ideas studied in all disciplines. We are now recognizing the connection between biology and mathematics and how patterns discovered in math, for example, are directly related to the way viruses regenerate themselves. With the addition of new, advanced technology and Internet access, students from ninth grade through twelfth […]
Camcorder Collaboration – Preschool Disabilities Class
This grant will enable teachers in the pre-school class for children with special needs, housed at Salt Brook school, to use a digital camcorder and tripod to accurately record student progress in given areas of development over time, in reference to various Individualized Education Plan goals and the acquisition of typical pre-school skills, as well […]
After-School Remedial Program
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the elementary schools are organizing and facilitating a supplemental after school remedial program that assists students in third through fifth grades in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Twelve teachers will develop a program of study consisting of […]
Mathematical Patterns as they relate to the Real World Through the Use of Technology
Patterns are one of the most important ideas studied in all disciplines. We are now recognizing the connection between biology and mathematics and how patterns discovered in math, for example are directly related to the way viruses regenerate themselves. With the addition of new, advanced technology and Internet access, students from ninth grade through twelfth grade […]
Going Digital in the Classroom
Four digital cameras will be purchased through this grant for teachers and students to use to enhance their lessons and presentations and to develop skills with interactive technology that increase productivity and creativity.