Family Math (Part II)
Family Math is an after school family involvement program that provided elementary school children and their parents with opportunities to develop problem solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts in an enjoyable, non-threatening atmosphere. Children and adults came together to do mathematics and then practice at home the ideas they learned in class. The NPEF […]
After-School Remedial Program
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the elementary schools are organizing and facilitating a supplemental after school remedial program that assists students in third through fifth grades in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Teachers will develop a program of study consisting of 10 […]
Family Math
Family Math is an after school family involvement program that provides elementary school children and their parents with opportunities to develop problem solving skills and understanding of mathematical concepts in an enjoyable, non-threatening atmosphere. Children and adults come together to do mathematics and then practice at home ideas they learn in class. This grant is […]
Stepping into a Digital Classroom
Four digital cameras are requested. Integrating digital cameras will allow for more productive, creative, and enhanced lessons and presentations. Resources are consistently being provided for classroom teachers to increase their technology education and incorporate the latest technology within their classrooms. Smart Boards, laptop computers, and multimedia carts are becoming an active part of our classrooms […]
After School Remedial Program – Language Arts Literacy and Math
In order to meet the goal of every child performing at the proficient range, the Middle School would like to organize and facilitate a supplemental after school remedial program that assists the current seventh graders in the areas of Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematics. Although Special Education and Basic Skills services are being delivered […]